Taylor Swift prances around as a dainty feminist looking for love with only goodness to project into the world. Powerful lily white girl squads. Cute cats. And too much time on Tumblr. The girl doesn’t have a mean bone in her 6 foot model built body. Obviously, it’s all been a goddamn act, but there has yet to be any kind of definitive proof of her truly petty tendencies. We’ve seen her feud with Kanye for the better part of the last 4 years, but she’s always kept her head down. It’s been a man coming at a woman and she’s been able to talk misogyny in the music industry (a very real thing) and in global context. It hasn’t gone too well, but she hasn’t fucked up either. That was until the feud extended to Ye’s wifey. A source tells Hollywood Life:
Taylor’s already been inspired to write some harsh lyrics [about Kim]. Kim messed with the wrong woman.
But what about loving all women despite their personal choices? Up until now this never went mean girl. Kim told her side of the story as it was relayed to her and Taylor went to stir up some more press. This could be bad for Taylor if she keeps it going… there is nothing worse than deviating from brand.
As for Kim, she has so much going for her, she just has to sit back and watch it all unfold because Kanye has plans of his own for his TLOP tour. Another source adds:
He’s planning an epic takedown of Taylor on his upcoming tour. He’s going to slam her nightly.
And just like that, I’m so blessed that I have tickets to see this unfold.
Special place in hell for Taylor’s mean girl routine, eh? I mean, she said it herself. And having to listen to any TSwift song is virtual hell, so I can only imagine what it must be like to have the be the person to perform that shite over, and over and over…and over……and over again. Her life really is already that special place in hell. Poor drowned rat look with awful hair only compounds it.