Well, not for the time being. Judge Aaron Persky recently gave the Stanford Rapist, Brock Turner, a slap on the wrist with a six-month county jail sentence. Turner, by now you know, raped a drunk coed on the Stanford campus. People have been outraged over the sentence, convinced that Judge Persky played favorites because Turner was a white, male star athlete. More than 300,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Judge Persky’s removal.
Whether that works or not, Judge Persky has six more years on the bench. Elections were held for his seat yesterday, but there weren’t any challengers. As a result, they canceled the election which automatically gave Persky another six-year term.
Stanford law professor Michele Dauber doesn’t think Persky gets through this term though. She organized the Change.org petition calling for his removal.
“His victory will be short-lived. I am 100% confident we will recall him. His decision hit every woman in the state of California in the gut.”
Sucks to be the next criminal Persky faces. It’s gonna be like in the NBA where they make up for a previous non-call with a ticky-tack call on the next possession. Judge Persky gonna give the death sentence to whomever he sees next.
[Image: YouTube screenshot]