It’s all over the internet that apparently Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns to because he donated to NAMBLA, North American Man/Boy Love Association. That’s right, they are saying that if he releases his tax returns, he will be outed as the kind of dude that gives money to a pedophile club.
It all started with this discussion raised on a Reddit thread:
But why doesn’t Trump want to release his [tax returns]? Could it be because he donated a sizable amount of money to NAMBLA and he wants to cover it up? I’m not saying Trump donated money to NAMBLA, but people are saying that. It’s something I’ve heard, but I don’t believe Donald Trump donated several million dollars to NAMBLA over the last several years. Still, if he did that would be a great reason to not release his tax returns. But look, I’m not here to say whether or not Donald Trump donated millions to NAMBLA, I’m just here to let you know that every candidate has released his tax returns over the last 40 years, so there has to be a reason he doesn’t, and several very smart people are saying he contributed millions of dollars to NAMBLA.
Why does this sound exactly like it came out of Donald Trump’s mouth? Well, according to The Daily Beast, Reddit user J. Peterman created a bot which would respond to any mention of Donald Trump’s tax returns with a NAMBLA accusation. It got wildly out of control from there, with Google picking it up as a hot phrase and other redditors taking the discussion to other websites. Why did he do it? Was he trying to take down Trump’s campaign? Is he working for the DNC? Is he a Russian spy?
“I thought to do it because, well, I thought it’d be a good laugh,” J. Peterman said.