Ok, so I think we’re far enough out now that it’s kosher to provide some spoilers. Remember when Captain America went full superhero for the first time? You know that time when he actually became a real person? Captain America: Civil War was the first real time we got to see Steve Rogers AKA Captain America played by Chris ‘Make My Heart Hurt’ Evans rise to challenge of doing what is necessary for the greater good. He took a pause from his rigid American values and broke some rules for positive end results. But Steve Rogers is a simple man. He can’t live in a world of grey.
After breaking into a maximum security prison, the red, white and blue Avenger left his shield in the dust. Director Joe Russo describes what we should take from that:
I think him dropping that shield is him letting go of that identity. [It’s] him admitting that certainly the identity of Captain America was in conflict with the very personal choice that he was making.
Again, Captain America is a simple man. A simple characterization. Any deviation from that is the death of the character. The Russos have done wonders with making Captain America an accessible figure in the rebirth of Marvel Cinematic Universe. The complexities of the Captain almost killing his Avenger buddy, Tony Stark were simply too much and that’s why he has to move on.
Now with the shield placed down and not destroyed, the door is left open for a new Captain America to take his place. Will he be as hot as Chris Evans? I doubt it.
Avengers: Infinity War is supposed to kind of pick up Steve Rogers’ story where we left off. If you’re even a little curious, you have to wait until 2018 to find out.