Corey Feldman Was Surprised at All the Ridicule

Last week, Corey Feldman dressed as a goth jedi and performed Go 4 It off his fifth album. It was tragic. I’m posting the performance below again because now it’s in glorious HD. I’m not even going to go into the cover art of his album which someone clearly spent a maximum of 10 minutes in Photoshop to create. And why did they show it as a mockup on an iPhone?

Suffice to say, Corey Feldman was eviscerated on all the social media. Rightfully so. You saw the performance right? Well, apparently Corey didn’t because he was slightly taken aback by all the criticism. In a now deleted Facebook live post, he and one of his performers, Courtney Anne, said they were too horrified to even be in public. “We just wanted to tell everybody that, like, it’s been really painful,” adding, “We put ourselves out there and we did the best that we could. And, like, I’ve never had such mean things said about me. Like constantly.”

He then started to cry. “Because we love our fans and we just wanted to give them the best show that we could. But we don’t deserve … these things that are said about us are awful.”

Feldman then embraced the ethos of millennials and asked why he has to be publicly shamed. “I’m sorry if it’s not good enough for you, but you don’t have to beat us up. I just want to say that, like, why is it okay to, like, publicly shame us? … I don’t understand … It’s, like, not PC to, like, say somebody is fat or somebody is white or somebody is black or somebody is yellow or green or if they have a short leg or if they have a missing finger. Like we can’t talk about these things. But it’s okay to bash Corey Feldman and the Angels.”

In attempt to appeal to our humanity he went on, “It doesn’t matter if they’re a celebrity or not. We deserve love and we deserve, like, normal life … It’s not okay, it’s not acceptable to call us freaks, weirdos, losers, whatever.”

Corey’s right. We should coddle everyone. Especially celebrities. We should tell them how unique they are and never give them an ounce of criticism even though they put themselves out there in front of millions of people on TV because they thought they were a rockstar. We should stroke their egos and protect them from all negativity because people turn out so well when that happens. We should never tell them that we’d rather watch someone with a learning disability cover their performance than have to sit through the original again. Because that would be wrong.

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