Hillary Clinton is trying real hard to be relatable, and considering she’s a thousand lizards in a pants suit, I’d she she’s doing ok. Her chat with Zach Galifianakis is so goddamn incredible that I bet she’ll have him dead by his own hand mysteriously in a week.
He really got in there and asked the tough questions like:
“Are you excited to be the first girl president?”
“As Secretary, how many words per minute could you type? And how does President Obama like his coffee? Like himself? Weak?”
“What happens if you become pregnant?”
“When you see how well it works for Donald Trump, do you ever think to yourself, oh, I should be more racist?”
“Any regrets over losing the Scott Baio vote?”
And my personal favorite:
“We should stay in touch. What’s the best way to reach you? Email?”
Trump turned down a spot on the show because he’s the only joke he can take, but if you want to see how Clinton answered, check out the full video below.
Trump turned it down because it is Stupid! Zach is Stupid! Hit-Liar-y Clinton didn’t look good doing this!