Dominick Brascia Says He Didn’t Abuse Corey Haim

Before we get into today’s story, we gotta play some catch up. You should already know about Corey Feldman’s allegations of his childhood sexual abuse in Hollywood. If you know that, you should also know that it wasn’t just him involved. Allegedly there was a ring of Hollywood pedophiles preying on our child stars. Feldman and friends of the late Corey Haim have also attributed the abuse to Haim’s lifelong struggle with addiction and eventual overdose. We all kind of accepted it as a terrible fact of life. We thought the conversation might end there.

But the abuse allegations came back into the media’s scrutiny last week when RadarOnline revealed some of the hints as to who this heinous character might be — a real Hollywood A-lister, one of the most famous people in Hollywood. Then just earlier this week, some random guy named Greg Harrison, who claims to have been a close friend of Haim, came forward and named that man as Dominick Brascia.

Those claims have been denied by Brascia himself and we’ll get to that, but first let me redirect you to the biggest hint in RadarOnline’s exposé: a real Hollywood-A lister, one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood. How can that possibly be Dominick Brascia? Who even is Dominick Brascia?

So he was in Friday the 13th over a quarter century ago and then B movie after B movie. I had to google his face and even then I still didn’t recognize him. But I’m a good journalist, you know. So I called 500 of my closest friends and asked them if they recognized this man. Not one did. So I Facetimed my parents. My aunts. My uncles. Before I knew it I had asked a thousand people and no one knew who this man was.

But still Brascia came to his own shitty defense, claiming that it was impossible that he was the abuser as he and Haim were the same age at the time of the abuse.

He did some tweets too, but he now has a protected Twitter account without a blue checkmark and a pathetic 3,084 followers. I don’t believe this man is even famous.

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Wade Robson Allys
Wade Robson Allys
8 years ago

Does anyone do any research anymore. Corey Haim had several abusers ONE man was an A List Hollywood type the other/s not so much. Dominick Brascia was a low level actor/director but he also talked to the National Enquirer a little over a year ago and claimed he knew what A list celebrity abused Haim. However Greg Harrison who was a friend of Corey Haim and Corey Haim’s mother Judy Haim claims Corey told him one of his abusers was Dominick Brascia. I contacted Brascia and he said he would be willing to take a lie detector test to prove… Read more »

7 years ago

LMAO You could not pay that worthless pos to take a polygraph.. His RECENT victims can put his fat *ss in prison where he needs to be. What is so hilarious is CPS just might take him up on his offer ! Be careful for what you wish for fat boy.

Mike J Pitts
Mike J Pitts
7 years ago

I suck with names, but yea Weiss does have me iffy. But I cant jump on Brascia. It just seems to much bouncing around. Again smoke and mirrors. I think you have to cut strait threw all that BS and look at a bigger picture to get better answers. And the list may be real! Thats why it wasnt set loose. But if so, odd Brascia’s name pops up from someone we know nothing about really. Just after that list comes out. Seems like someones trying to shift attention right?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike J Pitts

No, this was revealed by an actual, real life good friend of Corey Haim’s. Brescia was the perp whom Haim was referring to, in the “abuse episode” in the 2 Coreys. The only way to get Corey Feldman to stop talking publicly about Haim’s abuse, was for Greg Harrison to publicly out the name of the perp, because Feldman was the one who introduced Brascia to Haim.

April Simkins
April Simkins
8 years ago

Don’t know who this guy either, but off topic he looks like a slob

8 years ago
Reply to  April Simkins

Um. You do realise that’s a still from a movie? (Friday 13th) and he’s playing a character?

April Simkins
April Simkins
8 years ago
Reply to  Man-E-Faces

No I did not! Lol. Thx for the update

Dominick Brascia
8 years ago

I was Corey Haims friend for over 25 years. Corey Feldman Did Not introduce me to Haim. I was his next door neighbor and he even lived with me in his 20s to get off drugs. Feldman did introduce Marty Weiss to him during Lost Boys. That according to Haim. Corey Haim and 3 other (actors who we hung with) actually went with Corey Haim to a park in Burbank I believe next to NBC and st. John’s Hospital. To confront Marty. Corey Haim wanted to beat him up. It was nice we were in the park Marty showed up… Read more »

Wade Robson Allys
Wade Robson Allys
8 years ago

You also claimed you would take a lie detector test, when will that happen and who conduct the lie detector test. Greg Harrison seems know Judy Haim
lliestedetector comment image

Dominick Brascia
8 years ago

Wade I met him when Lost Boys came out. As an actor I hung out with a lot of young people because at 25 and 26 years old I was still playing 1617 and 18 year olds that’s the way it is in Hollywood he was my next door neighbor and Corey is the one who really tried to get close to me because he was having problems and no one to talk to about it like his mom told him don’t kill yourself we remain friends until his death he even asked the Director of National Lampoon’s Last Resort… Read more »

Wade Robson Allys
Wade Robson Allys
8 years ago

Dominick correct me if I I am wrong you were born in 1956, Haim in 1971 that makes you 15 years older. The movie came out in 1987 filmed in 1986 so if I am correct you were 29/30 he was 15/16. So why would a 30 yr old hang out with a 16yr old? Again when will you take the lie detector test and who will administer it?comment image

8 years ago

Actually, Greg does have credibility. He was in fact good friends with Corey Haim in real life, & has shared photos of himself with Corey on his FB page. But, if that isn’t proof enough, he remains in close contact with Corey Haim’s mother!!!

Dominick Brascia
7 years ago
Reply to  splashen

Greg was not friends with Haim. He was a groupie who Haim took some pictures with.. Greg was Judys friend.. When Haim died he got even closer to Judy.. He posted on FB a rumor . …. Sad to say Judy didn’t know about the big star on lucas or the 74 year guy Haim talked about.. As one of Haims real friends he talked to me about this stuff.. I had to talk him down when he was so depressed and wanted to die.. Feldman shouldn’t have talked about Haim in his book..It was a betrayal.. Some stuff was… Read more »

7 years ago

No!!! He WAS IN FACT COREY’S BEST FRIEND,starting from 1990 right to the day he died. You are as much a scheming little snake as Feldman was, to malign Greg & more importantly, **JUDY** – Corey’s beloved, bereaving mother like that. Greg is not the A-hole. YOU ARE!!! You have no scruples to attack her like that. I know you are ticked-off at Feldman, because it is precisely because of him, that made Greg speak up. You were the one whom Corey was talking about in “The 2 Coreys.” You say that Corey used to tell & confide stuff to… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  splashen

The following statement is from Judy Haim both on FB & on Corey Haim’s official website, regarding Greg Harrison: “This is my public statement: Judy Haim I am making this statement to confirm that Greg Harrison is a long time family friend, who has been friends with Corey Haim, my son, since 1990. He was and is a close confident to both Corey and myself. Greg Harrison and Corey Haim shared a real close friendship and had many years to share the good, the bad and the ugly of each others personal lives.” She posted that on FB on September… Read more »

Dominick Brascia
7 years ago
Reply to  splashen

Greg was a groupie who became Judys friend to get closer to Corey.. It happens all thr time to actors.. U wouldn’t understand it…

7 years ago

I just posted a direct quote from Judy Haim. She has *VERIFIED* he was her son’s best friend & confidant for the last 2 decades of his life. I may not understand about groupies getting close to celebrities, but, I do understand when someone says “a long time family friend who has been friends with ” ” since 1990 (or what ever year)” means just that: That the person is a long time family friend & has been friends with ” ” since whenever. Take your anger out on Feldman, Brascia. Not on Greg Harrison or Corey’s mother. If it… Read more »

Dominick Brascia
7 years ago
Reply to  splashen

The last 20 years of his life… Greg was not Corey Haims Best Friend.. See only a star struck fan talks like that… I knew for 24 years.. Never mentioned Greg… Greg doesn’t even know about what happened to him on the set of “Lucas”.. God he told everybody about it… But NOT Greg… Hmmm I’ve read all ur crap I offered to talk to off the record.. Because the Corey Haim we all knew was a troubled actor, confused, and he never told Greg who he really was… Well I know what his problems were and I tried to… Read more »

7 years ago

Brascia, you are mistaken. Greg DID know all this stuff which happened to Corey, because he heard from the mouth of Corey. Not Judy, **COREY.** You make the mistake of assuming that just because Greg never mentioned all this other stuff, that Greg obviously doesn’t know anything about it, but, you are wrong. He knows absolutely everything about Corey’s troubles in Hollywood, his life outside of Hollywood. Heck!!! Corey even told Greg about ***ME!!!!!!!**** & the 2 of us only knew one another in Gr. 6. I posted a direct quote from Judy Haim openly STATING that Greg Harrison had… Read more »

7 years ago

Read this IMDB page, Brascia. This is GREG HARRISON’s PAGE!!!! The man who OUTED you, as Corey’s rapist (as revealed to him, by Corey HIMSELF!!!)

Take a good look at both movies which this man worked on: They are both movies that were made in the early 90s, & more importantly, they STARRED COREY HAIM!!!

8 years ago

Dominick Brascia is lying right then & there, if he says that he & Corey were the same age. By his own admission, he is in his 50s right now. If Corey Haim were alive today, he’d be 44 going on 45 right now.

(And I know this for a certain fact, not because of anything I read about him in the media, but, because I actually knew him in real life, before he left the Greater Toronto Area, for Hollywood, to become a famous movie star).

8 years ago

I kind of remember this guy he was in a lot of b listers that’s why most don’t remember him

Dominick Brascia
8 years ago
Reply to  grandwizard

You see how crazy this is I never should call him and I were the same age. Also I was born April 6th 1957. A reporter asked me or someone tweeted asking me if I would take a lie detector test I said yes. If I took my own lie detector test you people would say oh look he hired a guy and took it himself come on. Corey Haim was my friend I met him was when he was a kid actor and we stay friends until he died. Greg this friend of Corey Haim if you really was… Read more »

8 years ago

This guy play in the movie friday the 13th part five the new blood

8 years ago

Would you give people a nod if they were close to guessing the correct A lister? Like if someone said Martin Sheen, or Michael Douglas, would you say they were way off, or pretty close?

8 years ago

I believe you, Dominick. Just like I believe that Santa Claus gives presents to children, every year on Christmas Eve; the Easter Bunny gives chocolate to children every year on Easter; and the Tooth Fairy gives money to children in exchange for their baby teeth!! I’m the person who posted about Greg’s photos with Corey. I actually mentioned something even more damning than that, in my original post, but, edited out, for specific reasons. And FYI, yes, Greg is well aware that Corey preferred to keep the public from talking about his private life. He actually had important reasons for… Read more »

Dominick Brascia
8 years ago
Reply to  splashen

My friend Corey Haim was a wonderful and troubled person out of respect to him and his memory I will only say rest in peace.

8 years ago

Dominick, you’re protesting too much, you’re obviously one of the peeps that took advantage of Haim. Why would you write ‘ wonderful and troubled person’ troubled about what, what happened to him during his innocence!? your posts make you sound like a psychopath….be afraid, it’s all about to come out

Dominick Brascia
8 years ago

Out of respect and for the memory of my good friend Corey Haim all I can say is rest in peace

8 years ago

sorry, aint gonna happen

8 years ago

the only ‘out’ you’ve got is to name bigger names, in your circle..

8 years ago

and Corey Feldman, if your ruining innocent lives, bcoz u think u might get a role in the nxt Indiana Jones or Starwars your kidding right. I know u feel guilty bcoz of friendships past, but put this to rest, you’ll come out a better human. Ps – I’m a fan of
Stand By Me

Dominick Brascia
8 years ago

Out of respect to the memory of my friend Corey Haim all I will say is may he rest in peace

8 years ago

You’d be better off saying nothing and moving on than saying that over and over. You must like the attention.

Paul W
Paul W
8 years ago
Reply to  splashen

Here’s the way we can prove Mr. Brascia’s innocence or guilt. Just in case he has studied how to beat a lie detector, let’s put Feldman on that same detector and ask him if Brascia is also “Tony Burnham” the molester mentioned via pseudonym in Feldman’s book. Is Brascia willing to let that happen?

8 years ago
Reply to  Paul W

Too late. *STOOPID** already recognized himself, in Feldman’s rag, & went around posting online that he was “Tony Turnham,” whom Feldman had been referring to, in his book, & said it was all lies, just as he is doing now!!!

Stoopid is, as Stoopid does!!!!

Paul W
Paul W
8 years ago
Reply to  splashen

So Stoopid can bitch and moan all he wants about slander and liable. If he wants to try for legal recourse, he would have to sue both Harrison and Feldman. I doubt that’s going to happen. If anything, his ranting and inconsistent stories are making him look even more guilty. Too bad Judy Haim didn’t actually swing that baseball bat.

8 years ago
Reply to  Paul W

Pool cue, actually. She should have shoved all the way into his eyeball!!!!

8 years ago

From what Corey fieldman has said, corey haim was abused by Multiple men. I dont think this is the A Lister that Corey feldman was talking about. This is just one of the many.

8 years ago
Reply to  joamerican

Of course this is no A-lister. This just a coward denying what he knows is the truth!!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  splashen

why doesnt coreys mother name the person ? even if he didnt want this to be revealed its information that could stop other children being in the same situation as her son. why does she slag off fieldman they were both children? where were the adults looking after them? If she couldnt protect her son then surely she would want justice now.

8 years ago
Reply to  prettyme

She’s respecting Corey’s wishes. That’s why.

8 years ago
Reply to  splashen

her son spoke out about the rape while being filmed so put it in the public eye not fieldman, if he wanted to keep it secret he wouldnt of done it on camera, for him to do that says he wanted justice but wasnt strong enough to deal with a court case .im just saying they were two children who were damaged by these people and others are going through this now because no one is naming them surely someone should try to stop it others will come forward . it took one brave woman to come forward about jimmy… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  prettyme

The only reason Haim mentioned his abuse on national television, was because Feldman threatened to destroy Haim, with what he knew about him, right on national television. So Haim warned him right back, that if Feldman dares to go down that road, he would open up what kind of role Feldman played in all of this. That is why Greg Harrison publicly outed Brascia as Haim’s rapist in his public announcement recently: To reveal Feldman’s role in all of the hell in Haim’s life in Hollywood. You see, since Haim died, Feldman has gone ahead with his threat to Haim… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  splashen

I can understand the reason your angry with Fieldman his actions as a adult to do that to Haim is terrible behaviour and i fully agree with you on those points. I do feel they were both victims as children and both have never recovered its so sad that happened to 2 talented actors . Its terrible that Haim died and to look at Fieldman you can see that he needs help.They were groomed as children by adults and it looks like they resented each other probably a reminder of the hell they went through together. But the blame is… Read more »

Mike J Pitts
Mike J Pitts
7 years ago

List comes out, then some best friend no one knows shows up with a letter. Yea right. Its a cover, someones scared by that list, and its not a D list actor. None of anyones profiles fits this guy (yes I know their was 2.) Ok the guy I heard about was like 42 then. He’s so powerful no one will say who it was (not even Haims mom,) because he (or they/a list) can ruin peoples lives in a illuminati like power fasion. Does this guy seem powerful? And the odd one I hear is, they were seen on… Read more »