Idris Elba Wants It Known That He’s Not Sleeping With Madonna

Stringer Bell is a shady character who does many backdoor dealings, but even he’s not grimy enough to sleep with Madonna.

Rumors of their love affair kicked up a notch over the week when Madonna was seen at Idris Elba’s kickboxing event and then he was seen on her Snapchat. According to The Sun, after the event, the two went to a club and that’s when things got hot and heavy.

“They were at the party for about an hour, they would dance, go off to smooch, then mingle a bit more. They only had eyes for each other. That seemed very, very clear.”

Elba quickly took to twitter, because that’s where people go to deny or confirm everything nowadays.

 “Am I sleeping with Madonna? No motherf——s… ‘Don’t believe the Hype’.”

Are you going to be the one to call Idris Elba a liar? I’ve seen No Good Deed and this is not a man I want to piss off. Plus, he’s 44 and thought now would be a good time to take up a sport where you get legally punched and kicked in the head. And if he is sleeping with Madonna, that says more about his state of mind than if he weren’t.

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