For some reason lost entirely on me, it’s late 2016 and Kate and Jon Gosselin are still relevant. And they’re still duking it out nearly 8 years after their 2009 divorce. Being the hot messes that they are, the couple are back in the headlines for a police report filed by Kate in April 2015. The report alleges that Jon had kidnapped their daughter Hannah from her school. But she goes even deeper in her allegations against her ex-husband turned DJ:
Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics. She also stated he frequently drinks alcohol around the children.
Jon and Kate Plus An Eight Ball could be a new show, ya know……… But it seems Kate is doing everything sneakily according to an insider:
Jon didn’t even know all of what Kate had accused him of until he saw the police report himself. He believes Kate will stop at nothing to get what she wants — even if it means lying to police. She has no boundaries.
But wait! There’s even more drama. Kate didn’t just accuse Jon of peddling drugs:
Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah.
Now Kate fears Jon will threaten her with a firearm. Am I proud to be from Pennsylvania? Absofuckinglutely.