An Extra ‘Stranger Things’ Clip for All the ‘Barb Fans’

One of the best things about getting a following for a new show is the unexpected fan favorite characters. But then there are the ones that are truly baffling, like in the case of this one from the Netflix show Stranger Things–an outpouring of sympathy for the character of Barb, Nancy’s (admittedly) unappreciated best friend, despite her minimal screen time.

So, much in the spirit of BBC Sherlock’s little mini-in-betweener, Many Happy Returns, that filled the gap between seasons two and three, Netflix released a small “news clip” broadcasting Barb’s disappearance, expanding on her character as a kind of shout out to her fandom.

And then there’s the rest of us, who have no idea what’s going on when we stumble across this stuff while tooling around on YouTube. But we probably watch it anyway. You know, out of curiosity. Which makes the whole thing just double as clever marketing. Especially with that whole bit thrown in about the waffles thief?

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