Hooray CA Police! You’ve Sent a Single Mother to Trial for Making Fish!

In a thrilling new example of California police wasting their time and money, a single mother may be sent to jail over a bowl of ceviche.

Mariza Reulas of Stockton, CA was a member of a Facebook food group called 209 Food Spot. People in the area would trade recipes, throw potlucks, and occasionally sell their home cooking.

Someone contacted Mariza to buy a bowl of her homemade ceviche, but it turned out to be an undercover cop performing this high profile sting.

Technically, it’s against the law to sell food from a home kitchen without proper permits. Since Mariza was making 10’s to 100’s of dollars from this top level Facebook scheme, it’s heartening to know that the CA Police are on the case.

Mariza declined a plea offer, so now she’ll be facing trial and a possible year in prison. She says she’s worried about her children, especially her now ironically named son, Justice.

With a classic piece of cop talk the Attorney General stated, “I don’t write the laws, I enforce them. The legislature has thought that this was a crime.”

The state of California is known for it’s utter lack of crime and very serious middle-aged suburban food selling rings, so hopefully this single mother will be the first of many to crowd the jails unnecessarily for a fish dish.

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