Nick Cannon Thinks That Planned Parenthood’s Real Game is Eugenics But Can’t Explain It

Half the fun of people’s stupid opinions is watching them try to back them up. Nick Cannon can’t even give us the fun of that. When questioned on his batshit beliefs, he just Trumps the hell out of it and laughs and walks away.

On an interview with Power 105’s The Breakfast Club, he recently spit this bizarreness:

“Think about all the stuff that they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. It’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years.”

Even though the topic was quickly changed to avoid having to look too deeply into that mess, when Splash News ambushed Nick Cannon at LAX, he repeated the same s**t.

When they asked him to explain, he straight up laughed and walked away, only to try and clear everything up with this tweet that looks like Alex Jones and Jaden Smith collaborated on it.


Check out the interview below if you want to be even more confused.

[H/T Jezebel]

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