What the hell 2016?? The apocalypse is near, time to retreat to the basement and come back in four years. Just days after Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia of Star Wars fame passed away, her mother, Debbie Reynolds, suffered a stroke Wednesday afternoon. Now comes word that she’s passed on. Sucks.
Reynolds seems like she couldn’t handle the stress of Fisher’s death. According to Reynolds’ son, Todd, the stress led to Reynolds’ stroke. She said she missed Fisher and wanted to be with her. Wish granted, unfortunately.
Reynolds shot to fame in Singin’ in the Rain and other musicals. She also received an Oscar nomination for The Unsinkable Molly Brown. That movie’s based on the sole survivor of the Titanic. Hmm…sounds worth checking out.
Someone better put Carrie Fisher’s dog that everyone loves now in protective custody. He could be next.