Emmy Rossum has been fighting the good fight to get paid not only as much as her male Shameless costar William H Macy, but more to make up for nearly a decade of being paid less than him.
She has basically been holding the show hostage, in fact, since the writers had no plan to replace her. It looks like she’s getting what she wanted after all, and sent out the good news in a celebratory tweet.
Cool, so when are we gonna get hype about the women who don’t get equal pay that it actually matters to? For the Emmy Rossums and Jennifer Lawrences of the world, pay inequality is the difference between a beach house in the Cayman Islands or not. For other women it’s the difference between being on welfare and not. Or getting that lifesaving medication or not.
Yay for Emmy Rossum, though. Whatever.
Cough. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2013/08/gender_pay_gap_the_familiar_line_that_women_make_77_cents_to_every_man_s.html