Chris Brown’s Racist Response to Aziz Ansari’s ‘SNL’ Monologue

Stay classy Chris.

Aziz Ansari hosted SNL last Saturday. The reviews were overwhelmingly positive. Ansari, of course, talked about Donald Trump and the elections. He didn’t go off on hating on the Republicans. Instead, he framed the problems in, *gasp*, a mature way. If you haven’t seen the monologue, here it is.

I’ll give Dave Chappelle’s monologue a slightly better mark. More low-key, the jokes wormed their way into your head.

In one joke, Ansari said “Donald Trump is basically the Chris Brown of politics.” He explained that maybe you like Brown’s music, but you’re not into all his “extracurriculars,” i.e. whuppin’ on your girl.

Brown didn’t like that.

He Instagrammed his response. And it was racist.

Yup, “F**K NO!!!!!! Somebody tell ALADDIN HOP OFF MY DICK!”

In another ‘gram, he wrote that he “can’t catch a fucking break.” Does being a racist have something to do with that?

Oh and by the way, Aladdin takes place in the Middle East and Ansari is Indian. But you know, racists aren’t gonna care about geography.

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