Lena Dunham Almost Quit Acting to Become a ‘Crystal Expert,’ In One of Her Whitest Moves Yet

We almost lost Lena to crystals.

As Girls enters its final season, Lena Dunham had a moment where she wanted to ditch Hollywood completely and become an expert in crystals and rehabilitate animals. How she’d find a way to be really condescending and misinformed to the crystals, we’re not sure.

Her boyfriend talked her out of it. Well, didn’t really talk her out of it, just openly balked at that bizarro career switch. So, instead of finding the power of rocks, she’ll be focusing on her podcast and newsletter, Lenny Letters, in the near future.

Though she knows that Girls has had a good run and all things must end, she’s pretty sure it won’t be an easy transition. “I’m probably going to have a nervous crying breakdown.”

If things do go awry, there will always be crystals, Lena. There will always be crystals.

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