Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet’s History of Red Carpet Kissing and Ass Grabs

The Golden Globes were great this year for same sex lip-locking. First you had Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield making out. Now, you have Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet mauling each other on the red carpet. Ok, so it was a peck but c’mon, pecks are the gateways to full-on, steamy public makeouts and various private parts rubbing. At least that’s what PornTube has taught me. And yes, I go to PornTube for the education.

Actually, Paulson and Peet are really chummy on the red carpet. They have a history of staring into each other’s eyes a lot and grabbing each other’s asses. Best friends or secret sex partners?

Here they are at The 22nd Annual Critics’ Choice Awards a few weeks ago. That’s serious eye fucking going on.

A few months ago at Entertainment Weekly‘s pre-Emmy party.

At the 2015 SAG Awards, Paulson gave a coy stare at the cameraman before giving a few nice pats on Peet’s ass.

In 2010, both attended the Sex And The City 2 in New York City. Again, look at how they look at each other. They want to do the sex.

They could be besties (shudder…I just said that) and those are innocent pecks. They’ve known each other since starring in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip way back in 2010.

Or another theory. Peet is a closeted lesbian. She’s been married to screenwriter David Benioff since 2006. Maybe she’s unable to come out and this is how she supports Paulson.

Paulson’s 73-year-old girlfriend, Holland Taylor, will either get really jealous when she sees their red carpet love or want in on the three-way action.

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Dzsoni Filpó
Dzsoni Filpó
7 years ago

Look, there is a camera! Let’s grab the pussy!

Joaquin Barina
Joaquin Barina
4 years ago

How would she like it if Holland Taylor kissed another person?