Mugshot Guy Just Made His Runway Debut At New York Fashion Week

Remember that guy who went viral for his hot mugshot?

That guy is named Jeremy Meeks and he just walked the craziest show at the New York Fashion Week from German designer Philip Plein.

So, just how hot is this guy? And how crazy was this show? Well.

Plein, who is famous for doing crazy avant garde s**t and weird cameos, like from the Naked Cowboy, packed the runway with Hot Mugshot Guy, Sophia Richie, and even Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz.


While in 2015 Meeks was sentenced for over two years in prison for gun possession, his viral mugshot allowed him to nab a modeling contract with White Cross Management, and it looks like all that worked out for him.

All thanks to the internet.

[Image: YouTube screenshot]

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