Oh, ok then. Aaron Hernandez’s story gets crazier by the day. First, he killed himself. That’s crazy because his lawyer talked about getting his life in prison sentence overturned.
Then, we find out he scribbled “John 3:16” in red ink on his forehead. He also marked the soles of his feet and hands with red ink.
Now, more information comes out.
On his prison walls, Hernandez drew an Illuminati symbol with an all-seeing eye floating above an unfinished pyramid. In the drawing, rays of light radiated out around the pyramid. Below the symbol he wrote in capital letters, “ILLUMINATI.” Oh, all in blood too. So emo.
In case you didn’t know…
The illuminati is a person or group claiming to have religious enlightenment or knowledge. The illuminati has also been the subject of several theories, including one that claims they control of the world.
Hernandez also gave three suicide notes, one each to his daughter and fiancee, the third to his purported gay lover.
The entire contents of the notes are unknown, but some details have emerged. He told his family that he loved them (naturally) and not to shed a tear. He also said he was entering the “timeless realm” and he’d see them in heaven. Haha…Wait, he thinks he’s going to heaven. He’s gonna be sadly mistaken.
Hernandez leaves behind his 4-year-old daughter, fiancee and a prison football team who just lost their main offensive weapon.