You’ll Have the Same Question After Seeing This Jim Carrey Selfie — WTH??

Hey, remember Jim Carrey? He used to be a big movie star and talked out of his ass. Literally.

Those years were the peak years. Now he’s fighting off a lawsuit that he contributed to his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White’s drug overdose. Also, that he lied about giving her STD’s. Huh, but..but..ACE VENTURA! Ace would never do that.

He’s been laying low it seems, no obvious films in production. So, this is what he looks like now.

It looks like he just returned from a one-man sailing expedition around the world. Or ventured out of his log cabin in the woods. If we start seeing 140 character manifestos masquerading as tweets, call the authorities.

Also, someone ask if that little bunny from his pic is still around.

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7 years ago

I would still wife him so hard. Happiness is out there Jim. In fact it is right here. I got you.