Airline Trolls Passenger’s Gluten-Free Request

Take that avocado culture.

For real though, imagine all you could eat in 9 hours was a goddamn banana.

Londoner Martin Pavelka says that’s what happened to him on an All Nippon Airways flight from Tokyo to Sydney. This dude was on a roughly $1,500 flight and given a banana with a gluten-free sticker on it, a knife, fork, and salt for a meal.

That’s really fucking funny. That is the absolute snidest and most passive aggressive s**t I have ever seen in my life, and my mom once gave my 8-year-old sister the silent treatment for a week because she wouldn’t bring her a glass of water. I write about Taylor Swift for a living, and I haven’t seen s**t this passive aggressive.

From The Telegraph:

Mr Pavelka, who suffers from the digestive condition coeliac, had been served a proper meal the previous evening. However, he was expecting something more substantial for breakfast.

“All other passengers were served a full breakfast meal consisting of eggs, sausage, mushrooms, bread, and yogurt,” he told the Evening Standard. “This was a nine-hour flight. Although definitely gluten-free, the banana did not keep me full for very long.”

Aw man, he’s actually a guy with the condition where eating Gluten makes you die and not some trendy Fully Raw Kristina f**k who thinks cooking food makes it poisonous.

Boo All Nippon Airways.


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