House Representative Darrell Issa Hid on the Roof to Avoid Talking to Protesters

This is what the world is coming to…amazing. You know how they say if you can’t take the heat, get outta the kitchen? Darrell Issa, who serves the 49th district in San Diego, couldn’t take the heat, but alas, no kitchen.

A group of protesters gathered outside Issa’s office Tuesday. No doubt to protest his voting record, which is well-within their rights as Americans. As of today.

So what did Issa do?

Issa escaped to the roof. Of his building. A 63-year-old man, voted by the people and in theory, a representative OF the people, ranĀ as far away as he could to avoid having a mature conversation with his constituents.

To be fair, Issa’s side is that he ran up to the roof to grab a photo of the protesters. He’s all about the angles you know.

He also did come down for a few minutes to mingle with the mouth-breathers.

Twitter had a few good laughs at Issa’s disappearing act. Someone brought up Sean Spicer’s bush-hiding incident.

Another compared him to Michael Scott of The Office, who also hid out on a roof.

Ironically, Issa’s Twitter has a huge profile pic with the words: “Here to help.” He forgot to add: “But only from my roof.”

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