Oxford Student Who Stabbed Boyfriend She Met On Tinder Might Get Off Because Of Her ‘Extraordinary Talent’

It looks like not only rich white guys can get away with assaulting people anymore. It looks like rich white women can also enjoy a consequence free violent life of attacking those around them.


24-year-old Oxford University Student Lavinia Woodward violently attacked her Cambridge-educated boyfriend during a fight they had while fucked up last December. She punched him, threw s**t at him, and stabbed him in the fucking leg.

If someone who was not white violently attacked their partner while drunk and on drugs, they would definitely be in jail. However, a judge isn’t sentencing her. Judge Ian Pringle told The Telegraph:

“It seems to me that if this was a one-off, a complete one-off, to prevent this extraordinarily able young lady from not following her long-held desire to enter the profession she wishes to, would be a sentence which would be too severe.”

Fucking can it, Pringle.

Woodward, who was hoping to become a surgeon and has had multiple articles published in medical journals, will return to Oxford next year but is currently on vacation in Barbados updating her status with Coco Chanel quotes like “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”

Ugh. I hate rich people.

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