Chicago Has One Less Asshole Now That Steve Harvey Moved His Show to Los Angeles

The Steve Harvey Show has been in production in Chicago for five years. Today is its final day of production before Harvey packs up and heads out to LA. for a brand new show. Like a total asshole, Steve Harvey didn’t even mention anything to the roughly 80 employees who will all be jobless as of today.

From Robert Feder:

“He didn’t offer interviews to many people who have been with him since beginning, and hurt lots of people who would move on their own to L.A. to be part of the new show,” RadarOnline reported last week. “Steve never even addressed the staff about it. He never said a word about them all losing their jobs.”

However, it looks like no one is really going to be sad to see him go, because to call Steve Harvey “kind of a dick” is basically a compliment to his character.

Check out an excerpt of this email he sent to staff at the beginning of the upcoming season, where he makes it very clear that if you make eye contact with him without an appointment it’s an ambush.

Good morning, everyone. Welcome back.

I’d like you all to review and adhere to the following notes and rules for Season 5 of my talk show.

There will be no meetings in my dressing room. No stopping by or popping in. NO ONE.

Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do not open my dressing room door. IF YOU OPEN MY DOOR, EXPECT TO BE REMOVED.

My security team will stop everyone from standing at my door who have the intent to see or speak to me.

I want all the ambushing to stop now. That includes TV staff.

You must schedule an appointment.

I have been taken advantage of by my lenient policy in the past. This ends now. NO MORE.

Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly. Either knock or use the doorbell.

I am seeking more free time for me throughout the day.

Do not wait in any hallway to speak to me. I hate being ambushed. Please make an appointment.

I promise you I will not entertain you in the hallway, and do not attempt to walk with me.

If you’re reading this, yes, I mean you.

Everyone, do not take offense to the new way of doing business. It is for the good of my personal life and enjoyment.

Thank you all,

Steve Harvey

Gross. Who does he think he is? Kanye West.

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