Angelina Jolie Looking Healthier After Experimental Procedure

Fear of death is a natural thing, but Angelina Jolie has taken pretty extreme measures when it comes to her health. The actress was reportedly resuscitated from the brink of death after complications related to expensive medical procedures.

Celebrities have been known to subscribe to medically dubious procedures, but Jolie has taken things pretty far. After having parts of her womb extracted and a double mastectomy as a preventative measure against cancer, Jolie went in to a European clinic for a “live cell replacement treatment.”

People close to the star seem to agree with her, they say the procedure is doing wonders. A New York medical professional, Dr. Stuart Fischer, has not treated Jolie, but has endorsed her pursuing the procedure.  He explained that “live healthy cells are injected into the patient… This results in the regeneration of patient’s own cells and the stimulation of the immune system.”

The expensive procedure “seem to have done wonders for her,” says Fischer. “She seems to have had significant weight gain and looks healthier than she has in months!”

Allegedly, Jolie took her breakup with actor Brad Pitt badly, and their custody fight was taking a toll on both her mind and body. In addition to expensive and experimental procedures, Jolie has been on a special diet and fitness routine, and has been reported to have gained an estimated 53 pounds in just a few months.

I bet she’s not so bummed about that guy who punched her ex now.

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