When I’m working as a writer, I can wear whatever I want to work. When I’m working elsewhere, dress code can be a big deal. Casual? Business casual? Store uniform? Joey Barge, a 20-year-old working in a call center showed up to his place of work wearing a pink dress and a pair of brass balls.
Barge got sent home for wearing shorts to work.
It’s not like clients have to see him, but I guess the boss really hated looking at his legs. When he got home, he studied the company dress code carefully. “I got sent home and told to change into appropriate clothing, but it said females could wear dresses so hey ho!” Now Barge is not female, but he was pretty pissed off and decided to make a statement.
It’s 2017, but a man in a dress is still making a big statement. But you know what? Joey rocked that dress. His boss wanted to deny everyone a look at those fine legs? Later that day, the company dress code was amended so that men could wear “three-quarter length shorts in black, navy or beige only.”
I guess that’s a small victory. See, activism can make a difference!