Lindsay Lohan Found Someone to Pay Her to Act Again

Well, it looks like Lindsay Lohan’s not working on that show about Russians right now. Instead, she’s going to be on the second season of a show called Sick Note, with Rupert Grint, Nick Frost, and Don Johnson.

Lohan is going to play the daughter of Grint’s boss, played by Johnson. Wow. This series has like the best of the 1980’s, ’90’s, and ’00s right on one set! Fine. We’ll give Johnson credit for Nash Bridges, too. Still, this is quite a weird hodgepodge of actors. Apparently, people love the first season and they have high hopes for a second one.

There’s a photo that’s possibly the most WTF thing I’ve ever seen – it shows Grint, Lohan and Nick Frost all standing there looking at the camera.

My first thought was… one of these people doesn’t belong. I’m a huge Frost fan… and it just seems really odd to see Lohan in the same shot. OK, I’m going to go watch Hot Fuzz again.

OK, I know. As far as WTF things, that’s pretty mild, but we live in such a fucked-up world now that there are times that I just want to stay in a state of drunkenness all the time. The sad thing is that I’m writing this thing completely sober.

I wonder if Lohan confused everyone with her accent. Let’s hope she doesn’t torch yet another chance with diva behavior.

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