New White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci is off to a rousing start. First, he wanted health care to work like airlines. Now, he wants the White House to be like Penn State.
Has this guy not watched the news in five years? Airlines are beating up random passengers and pissing people off left and right. And Penn State is vilified by everyone in college football due to a child molestation scandal.
So, this guy wants our health care to be an even more frustrating process and wants White House employees to cover up any illegal activities they see. Yup, things are just fine in the White House.
Here is Scaramucci’s exact quote:
“You remember Joe Paterno? What would he say?” Scaramucci pondered on CNN’s New Day. “Act like you’ve been there before. Act with honor and dignity and respect, and hold the confidence of the presidency in his office.”
Who could forget Joe Paterno? He’s a legendary coach. WHO COVERED UP ACTS OF MOLESTATION! He didn’t act with any honor, dignity, or respect when he turned a blind eye to kids getting molested. But sure, act like Joe Paterno.
Do you know how screwed up our president is to somehow find someone worse than Sean Spicer? We all thought Spicer was the absolute worst person for the job. AND TRUMP FOUND SOMEONE WORSE! This would be an amazing talent if it didn’t affect our entire country.