Gal Gadot Has an Adorable Moment With a Young Fan, Internet Responds with Anti-Semitism

A normal person may have seen the footage from Comic-Con this weekend showing Gal Gadot and Ezra Miller talking to a little girl dressed as Wonder Woman who cried because she was so happy to meet hero big-screen hero and found it sweet or touching. I would say that was the reaction of most people to this heartwarming scene.

Gadot comforted the young girl, saying “Now we are friends so there’s no reason to cry anymore. We are together!”

The internet, however, is full of people who are far shittier than most people. While we swooned over how sweet Gadot was to her tiny doppelgänger, there was no shortage of people who couldn’t wait to remind us that Gal Gadot is Israeli and that makes her bad because of barely concealed anti-semitism

Look, I get that Benjamin Netanyahu is an asshole, but find me a world leader who isn’t. No one is giving Ezra Miller and Ben Affleck a hard time because Obama and Trump supported Netanyahu no matter what he did. In fact, I’d say the only current world leader who isn’t borderline evil is Justin Trudeau, and that’s just because he’s a vapid dumbass.

It’s also worth mentioning that while Gal Gadot served in the IDF, conscription is mandatory for all Israeli citizens. And while you may not agree with her political stances, she’s an actress and she does a great job of playing a character, and that’s all that really matters. Mel Gibson has some really unpleasant beliefs (that some of these Twitter users probably secretly agree with), but it doesn’t mean Braveheart wasn’t a great movie.

Look, if you see a little girl crying because she’s so happy to meet her hero and your reaction is “but the Jews!” then maybe you want to re-examine what you’re doing with your life.

Gadot, along with Ezra Miller, Ben Affleck, Jason Moma and Ray Fisher were at Comic-Con to promote Justice League. Henry Cavill wasn’t there because everyone is pretending that Superman is still dead and isn’t going to be in the movie when all know damn well that there isn’t going to be a movie about the Justice League without Superman.

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