Loads of People Prefer Dragons to Boobs, Says PornHub

So many people tuned in to see Game of Thrones‘ boobless season premiere that porn traffic took a massive 4.5% drop, according to PornHub. Other episodes of the show have caused similar decreases in traffic on what PornHub claims is the peak time to rub one out during the week.

Pornhub is basically the Internet’s favorite porn site for mainly non-porn related reasons. There’s basically infinite places to see people stripping down and banging online. I even follow a few porn stars on Twitter. The reason PornHub has had so much success is mainly because their media outreach includes so many interesting statistics about when, how and what people are looking at on the site.

For instance, just last week PornHub released statistics on traffic and incoming searches from North Korea. Long story short it seems that most people there don’t defy their God Emperor’s edict against porn, but when they do, they’re more likely to do it on a Mac than the rest of the world. They also did a map for Mashable highlighting that the most widely misspelled porn search word is… porn.

It’s not unsurprising that porn traffic was down during Game of Thrones as over 16 million people tuned into the season premiere and Game of Thrones is the highest-rated show in HBO’s history. This is an especially impressive feat as television ratings as a whole have decreased across the board because of the accessibility of services like Netflix, Hulu and, well, PornHub.

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