Did Jay-Z Name His Album After the Site of His Ass-Whuppin’?

I haven’t listened to Jay-Z’s album 4:44 because I still haven’t figured out why anyone would listen to Jay-Z for even a second when they could listen to Rush’s Moving Pictures instead. Apparently, it’s about how he cheated on Beyoncé because money, fame, a beautiful, intelligent wife and three healthy children don’t bring happiness, so the rest of us should just stop trying.

While the name of the album has been thought to be a reference to both him and Beyoncé having birthdays on the 4th of their respective months, one twitter user thinks he may have named after where he got his ass kicked by Solange Knowles in an elevator. 

Jay-Z’s album apparently tried to deflect from the fact he cheated on his much more successful and beloved spouse and then got his ass beat by her little sister by taking shots at Kanye West, yet another person who is more talented and famous than Jay-Z. 50 Cent, whom you may know as a Grammy Award winning artist who has sold over 30 million albums but I know as a guy who was promoting his underwear line on Late Night with Seth Meyers a few months ago, called 4:44golf course music“. I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but it sounds like an insult. I’m told it’s a bit like calling someone a Hanzo main.

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