Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington took his own life on July 20. Today his wife, Talinda Bennington, shared a picture of the late singer.
This was days b4 my husband took his own life.Suicidal thoughts were there,but you'd. Never kmow. #fuckdepression
— Talinda Bennington (@TalindaB) September 7, 2017
Spelling and grammar issues aside, this is a strong message. Bennington looks like the happiest guy in the world. He’s on vacation with his family wearing a big smile. But deep down, he’s hurting. Because that’s depression. As someone who has been diagnosed with depression, I know this feeling all too well.
Bennington spoke about his depression and substance abuse in 2016:
“I knew that I had a drinking problem, a drug problem, and that parts of my personal life were crazy. But I didn’t realize how much that was affecting the people around me until I got a good dose of ‘Here’s-what-you’re-really like.'”
I’d imagine that he was pretty miserable to be around because I know when I’m depressed, I’m pretty miserable to be around. Throw in drinking and drugs and Chester was likely a pain in the ass.
It looked like he turned things around in 2017. Here’s another quote from the interview:
“Where I’m at right now in 2017 is as far on the opposite side of the scale to where I was at this time in 2015,” said Bennington. “I literally hated life and I was like, ‘I don’t want to have feelings.’ And now I’m like, ‘Bring it on!'”
Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out.
If you’re someone dealing with depression, don’t be afraid to seek help. I’m proud to say that I’m doing much better today than I was two months ago thanks to therapy sessions. Someone out there cares and is willing to listen. And if you know someone with depression, don’t be afraid to push them towards help. As Chester’s wife shows in that picture; one day you’re the happiest person in the world. And a couple of days later you’re gone.