Someone Unfurled ‘Racism Is As American As Baseball’ Banner at Red Sox Game

Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the… *record scratch* What the…

Someone draped a big ass banner reading “Racism Is As American As Baseball” over the Green Monster in Fenway Park tonight. It happened between the third and fourth innings of the Oakland A’s and Boston Red Sox game.

That doesn’t have the same ring as “Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks, I don’t care if I never get back.” It likely will not be a between-inning tradition either.

It didn’t take long for security to remove the banner and the folks responsible. Although, it would be funny if any security who agreed with it took slightly longer getting over there to remove it.

The sign doesn’t bother me. Just curious how you smuggle something so big into the stadium. And here I am paranoid about my hidden bag of peanuts.

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