Proving That Being a Piece of S**t Runs in the Family, Brother of Vegas Shooter Arrested for Child Porn

So you may know the name of Steven Paddock, who shot up a concert in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. Paddock modified a semi-automatic rifle with a “bump stock” that allowed it to fire over 800 rounds a minute, and he used it to carry out the largest massacre in modern US history. Even worse, he entirely missed Dan Bilzerian, who was in the crowd. But we’ve decided, as a nation, that we’re basically okay with that, and Congress is for sure not going to do anything that might endanger those sweet, sweet NRA lobbyist dollars.

Apparently, being a bad hombre runs in the family, because Paddock’s brother was just arrested for possession of child pornography. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Paddock, the alive Paddock, was wanted for the possession of child pornography dating back to 2014, when he was squatting in the attic of an auto body shop against the wishes of the owner.

In August 2014, Hector Cruz, a manager at Action Auto Center in the San Fernadno Valley, filed a restraining order against Paddock for squatting in the attic of his repair shop. Cruz’s son, Brian, a co-manager of the store, said Wednesday that Paddock had “a bunch of stuff” in the attic with him, including a computer. He also said Paddock set booby traps around the building. Eventually, police removed Paddock from the premises, Brian Cruz said.

A Los Angeles police news release confirmed that police located the child pornography evidence after Bruce Paddock was evicted from the 9000 block of San Fernando Road in Sun Valley, which is where the Action Auto Center is located. The release said Bruce Paddock was a transient and police could not locate him until Wednesday.

Interesting family, right? One brother kills a bunch of people, the other leaves child pornography just lying around the attic he was illegally squatting in, the father was a bank robber and the third brother is… a normal retiree in Florida. That last guy is going to be part of some awkward family reunions, that’s for sure.

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