McKayla Maroney Not Impressed With Doctor Who Molested Her

Add McKayla Maroney to the list of those sexually abused to some old dude who gets horny around attractive young women.

Maroney, who is most famous for not being impressed with the Olympics and proudly showing off her ass, says she was drugged and molested by the U.S. Gymnastics team doctor. She says the abuse started when she was 13 years old.

The doctor in question is Dr. Larry Nassar. The dude has “ass” in his last name. He should have never been allowed to be a doctor. Over 125 women have already accused Nassar of sexual abuse.

Here’s what Maroney told TMZ:

“Dr. Nassar told me that I was receiving ‘medically necessary treatment that he had been performing on patients for over 30 years.’ It started when I was 13 years old, at one of my first National Team training camps, in Texas, and it didn’t end until I left the sport.”

She goes on to say that Nassar gave her a sleeping pill on a flight to Tokyo and when she woke up, she was alone with him in a hotel room receiving “treatment.”

Nassar actually has a defense for his treatments. He says the procedures, where he has to treat women through their vagina, are medically appropriate.

Nope. He’s wrong. I’m not a doctor. But I know that unless you’re a gynecologist or you’re given permission, you shouldn’t be near a woman’s vagina. And you definitely shouldn’t go near the vagina of a 13-year-old claiming it’s medical treatment.

If there’s a medical treatment that only works via intra-vagina treatment, but doesn’t actually treat your vagina, it shouldn’t be allowed. This goes for men as well. If someone says, “This will help your back pain” and it involves injecting something into your penis, run away and immediately report that doctor. Then get your back checked out.

I’d say Maroney made the right choice to quit the gymnastics team and move into the music industry, but give it a week. We’ll be hearing all about music executives and producers who have been abusing artists.

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