Justin Bieber Using God to Sell His New Album

Justin Bieber is on the comeback and by the sound of things, his new album is going to suck.

According The Sun, Bieber’s fifth album will be “Christian-appropriate.” As many of you know, Bieber turned to God after running over a man with his truck and just generally acting like a douche.

Bieber has gone to church every week and wants his new music to reflect his new beliefs. Here’s what a source close to the situation had to say:

“Justin is on the lookout for songs which really reflect where he is in his life in terms of spirituality.

He has always been religious but the last two years have seen him grow closer to the Hillsong Church and it has changed his entire life. He has a totally different outlook now.

His time with the church has revitalised him and although he is working with a lot of the same people who helped to make his last album, Purpose, he is reshaping his sound so it is more in line with the church’s values and beliefs.

There are key themes of love and redemption in the tracks he has ­created so far. It will certainly ­surprise some fans.”

Guess we won’t be getting those petty songs about Selena Gomez after all.

The good news for those who don’t want to listen to this album is that it likely won’t be out until 2019. By then, Bieber will forget about those whole religious thing.

It’s been a whirlwind couple of months for the Canadian singer. He broke up Selena Gomez and The Weeknd so he could get with Gomez, he got with Gomez, and now the two are on a break. He was last seen with Baskin Champion, hoping to make Gomez jealous.

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