Millie Bobby Brown Goes Full Stalin on Boyfriend Jacob Sartorius After He Gets Caught Perving on Other Girls

It’s important to learn some lessons about life when you’re young. For example, I was in my early 20s when I learned when it was time to give up on a relationship, and I wish I would have learned that lesson a little earlier in life. At 14 years old, Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown has just learned a very important life lesson herself: men are dogs.

You see, her apparently ex-boyfriend, 15-year-old singer Jacob Sartorius, was doing what 15-year-old boys do and trying to see girls naked. Of course, most 15-year-old boys don’t have 14 million social media followers, so they don’t go viral creeping on girls on Snapchat.

Millie had a typical teen girl reaction to this, and she deleted every mention of him from her Instagram as if she were Joseph Stalin and he had displeased her. After the Pharaoh-like purge of Sartorius from her Instagram, it seems like the only other guy she knows is Drake.

You think Drake ever tries to be tough like 50 Cent and talk about how he got shot until his friends are like “Whatever, Aubrey, that happened on Degrassi.”

The important thing here is that Millie has learned a life lesson. You think that the sensitive, artistic kids who get bullied are going to be so sweet and nice, not like those other guys. They aren’t, they’re maybe worse. Behind every sensitive artistic kid is a pent-up, repressed pervert. You know who else was a sensitive, artistic kid? Hitler. Yeah, think about that next time you’re about to post that Facebook status about how awesome introverts are.

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6 years ago

15 years old are stupid. I guess if you want to get busted for child porn, havea minor send you nudes. ANd Kylie ratting him out could send him to jail So smart. Bunch of dumbasses. All of them.

5 years ago
Reply to  PunkA

It’s a fake kylie

4 years ago
Reply to  PunkA

This is fake jacob said so and so did the hacker the hacker took saved memories from his saved snaps and used it to make him look bad

6 years ago

She is now back with him. Allegations of attempted child porn should be investigated. I now question their parents awareness. She dropped milliestopshate and now is more like Millie-Springer. If parents don’t lead she will end up like all the other child stars before her.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dirtmaster

fr this is fake lol he was hacked ok the hacker even came out that it was fake and so did Jacob ok the vids of him biting his lip was saved in his snap memories and the hacker edited it and sent it tho the girl aka some one i know so plz leave him alone

6 years ago

That last bit about introverts being perverts is horrible, most people introverts or not arent like that. I should know.

6 years ago

jacob can do so much better than millie so yea

4 years ago
Reply to  samanthac

ikr it was fake any way