Remember Jon and Kate Gosselin, from the reality show Jon and Kate Plus 8? Yeah, me neither, but they’re back in the news because Collin, the kid Kate tried to get rid of, is back from exile and spending time with his father and sister Hannah.
Last time we heard from the Gosselins, Hannah had to go to the hospital because Kate injured her trying to pull her out of a car. Somehow she managed to get Jon barred from the hospital at the time as “a danger” to Hannah, even though Kate is the one who put her in he hospital. Hannah also told the police she’d rather go to foster care than live with Kate, so, you know, mother of the year, here.
Apparently Collin was always the “difficult” one, and his behavior didn’t improve as he got older. It’s really weird because Kate did what all the child development experts on Facebook say to do and spanked him all the time, but it only made him resentful and maladjusted. Who could have predicted that? I mean, you know, other than every child psychologist in the world.
The best part of the Kate Gosselin saga is that she once wrote Collin a letter blaming him for her failures as a mother, telling him he “challenged (her) authority greatly.” Sounds familiar for some reason.
Who would have though Eric Cartman was a poor role model? Not Kate Gosselin.
Anyway, Hannah has been taking lots of pictures with her father, Jon, leading to speculation that he may have gotten custody of her. And while Kate likes to take pictures without Collin and pretend he doesn’t exist, it seems Hannah and Jon are more than happy to have him around.