Arrow seems to be mostly following on from the season six finale; Oliver is in prison and the rest of the gang is left to deal with Diaz without him. “No costumed heroes” is an interesting premise for a show about costumed heroes, but that won’t last for long, as it looks like someone, presumably Roy Harper, has taken up the mantle of Green Arrow.
Joining the cast in season seven will be new villains Red Dart, Kodiak and Silencer, played by Holly Elissa, Michael Jonsson and Miranda Edwards respectively. They’re the Longbow Hunters that Diaz referenced at the end of season six.
New showrunner Beth Schwartz also put the kibosh that Oliver and Felicity would be having kids, replying with a direct “nope” when asked about Olicity babies. Personally, I’m hoping for an Olicity divorce so the show can get back on track.
Hey, I was right, the mystery girl on Flash was XS! Sure, they combined her with another character but still, the new Nora Allen from the future is XS. Oh, and the ring, Barry finally has the ring he uses to keep his costume in, just like the one Thawne used in season one. Flash’s new suit is supposed to be more comic accurate, so I’m hoping that means he finally gets yellow boots. Those, along with the lightning bolt belt, really break up the suit and make him look more like a superhero and less like someone who’s about to rebuild your transmission.
We also found out that Chris Klein will be the season’s antagonist, playing DC villain Cicada.
But the big news is that we’re finally getting The Rogues. In the comics, Flash’s villains all sort of teamed up under Leonard Snart and called themselves The Rogues, having a somewhat cordial relationship with The Flash. Since Leonard Snart and Mick Rory left to join the cast of Legends of Tomorrow, with Snart’s actor Wentworth Miller leaving the Arrowverse altogether last year, it seemed unlikely we’d see them on The Flash at all. Executive producer Todd Helbing said the show would introduce a younger version of the group, but didn’t share details on exactly what that meant.
It feels like 90% of Supergirl’s trailer was recycled footage from the season three finale, kind of a disappointment. I’m also not looking forward to the “get it, he says the same things Donald Trump says” villain this season is looking to introduce. Supergirl keeps trying to go down this politically relevant road and it just never works out. Season one was ground to a halt every episode while we got Feminism 101 with Ally McBeal and season two didn’t fare much better with the exact same space aliens are just like immigrants metaphor the show seems to using for season four. The show is at its best when it tells character-driven stories and focuses on the relationships of the main cast and their individual morality.
Manchester Black is an interesting choice as a recurring character, but I think it’s going to retread ground the show already covered. In the comics, Black was a brutal superhero who executed criminals and tried to turn the public against Superman, until the Man of Steel let the world think he’d snapped and executed Black and his teammates, The Elite, causing both the team and the onlooking public to realize the horror of having someone as powerful as Superman decide for himself who lives and who dies would bring. Most of the plot of Supergirl last year was Kara having that exact argument with Lena Luthor over whether it was acceptable to kill season villain Reign.
The big news about Supergirl, however, was that the show cast transgender actress Nicole Maines as transgender hero Dreamer, presumably based on Beautiful Dreamer, a character in Jack Kirby’s Fourth World line of comics. Dreamer will be the first transgender superhero on television, so you know, good news for decent people and bad news for TERFs.
Ahh, Legends, at least you never disappoint me. You know who is joining the Legends on the Waverider this year? Biff freaking Tannen! That’s right, Tom Wilson from Back to the Future is joining the cast as a recurring guest playing Nate Heywood’s father, whom Nate has a strained relationship with. Ramona Young is also joining the cast as Alaska Yu, presumably an original character because I’ve never heard of her and I’m a huge nerd. They’ll join the previous recurring characters John Constantine, Ava Sharpe and Nora Darhk. Maisie Richardson-Sellers is also returning as a new character after her character Vixen departed at the end of last season. The bad news is Wally West will be departing as actor Keiynan Lonsdale is leaving the Arrowverse to pursue other opportunities.
The big news for the show, aside from casting, is that Legends is being kept out of the big crossover this year, presumably because they’re a logistical nightmare when there’s only three heroes and the Legends are a whole superhero team. Unfortunately, this means it looks like we’re never going to see another event on the scale of Crisis on Earth X again.
There’s not actually a lot of news about Black Lightning. Tobias Whale, Painkiller and better writing than all the other shows aside from Legends of Tomorrow will be returning, and no major shake-ups or cast changes have been announced. It’s still separate from the rest of the Arrowverse, too.
We learned a while ago that the now three-night crossover between Arrow, Flash and Supergirl will be taking place in Gotham City and introduce Batwoman to the Arrowverse. The news from Comic-Con is that the crossover is a backdoor pilot for a Batwoman series set in the Arrowverse, much the same way the second Flash/Arrow crossover set the stage for Legends of Tomorrow with episodes titled Legends of Today and Legends of Yesterday. The Batwoman series, if it’s picked up, won’t premiere until 2019, presumably in the fall.