Aretha Franklin Surrounded by Friends and Family, Receiving Pallative Care

Aretha Franklin, one of the most talented and beloved singers in American history, is reportedly gravely ill. The AP reported that Jesse Jackson and Stevie Wonder have gone to visit the singer, who, sadly, seems to be reaching the end of her storied life with CNN reporting she’s receiving hospice care at home, and TMZ has reported that the singer has cancer.

I mean, what a voice Franklin had as a young woman. She was still quite the amazing singer later in life as well, though she retired from performing earlier this year due to health issues. Her nephew Tim gave People an update on her condition on Tuesday, reminding people she’s not dead yet and the family is hoping she can still recover. If not, at least her last days will be with friends and family.

“She’s alert, laughing, teasing, able to recognize people,” Franklin’s nephew Tim Franklin tells PEOPLE following the news of the 76-year-old star’s illness Monday.

“Family is there with her,” he said. “She’s home.”

“I saw her a week ago Friday and we talked for about 45 minutes to an hour. My brother was there on Saturday and she was alert, talking, laughing, joking,” Tim continued. “She’s watching TV, so god forbid she sees all of this ‘Aretha’s dead,’ so I don’t want to dampen her spirits on that.”

There has been an outpouring of love for Franklin. Jay-Z and Beyonce dedicated their latest concert to her, and many celebrities used Twitter to send love, prayers and good will.

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