Florida Town Changes Name to Miracle Whip Because Florida

The Mayor of Mayo is making a major modification.

Miracle Whip, desperately hoping to boost sales, has convinced Mayo, Florida Mayor Ann Murphy to change the name of the town to Miracle Whip.

It’s all part of a publicity stunt and deal with Kraft Heinz, but it’s no less absurd.

Mayo/Miracle Whip, Florida will receive $25,000 as part of the stunt. Give me $25,000. I’ll change my name to Miracle Whip too for a couple of days.

It’s like Miracle Whip slid into Murphy’s DMs and asked, “How many retweets for you to change the name of your town?” Murphy said, “25,000 (dollars).” Miracle Whip was like, “bet.” And now there’s a town named after Miracle Whip.

Miracle Whip released a statement shaming those who like mayo:

“Bland, unexciting and boring might be how we at Miracle Whip would describe mayonnaise, but certainly not the good people of Mayo, Florida. We believe no town should live under the shadow of such an uninspiring moniker, which is why we’re happy to lend our name to the town and help put Miracle Whip, Florida on the map,”

Mayo/Miracle Whip has roughly 1,500 residents. All of them got in on the act, changing the name of their business to include Miracle Whip.

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