Kristen Stewart Opens Up About Fisting in New Interview, Loves Being Ambiguous About Her Sexuality,

I love Kristen Stewart. For some reason she was the actress all of the Hollywood press hated for years, but she’s still basically my ideal woman. And it’s not just that she’s so, so gorgeous, which she is, but it’s her attitude and personality, too. One thing I’m not super thrilled about, though, is how she plays coy about her sexuality when everyone knows she’s bisexual. It sucks to be bisexual because gay people hate you in addition to straight people, and every famous bisexual either doesn’t actually know the word or thinks being coy about makes them more interesting. Here’s what Stewart told Mastermind, as reported by People.

“Yeah, ambiguity is my favorite thing ever. In terms of sexuality? For sure,” she says. “And also in making films, if you perfectly answer every question, you don’t allow for people to have their own experience and really indulge a thought. I feel the same way about how we f— each other. You don’t want to know everything all the time.”

I mean, she says she likes ambiguity in how we f**k each other, but she went on to talk about some pretty graphic stuff she’s putting in a script she’s writing.

“My favorite line in this movie I’m currently writing is, ‘I thought about Sienna Torres and her shoving her hand into my wide-open c— about as wide as a mouth saying m—-f—-,’ ” she recites.

Wow. Stewart is making a larger point about how movies tend not to portray women as being sexual beings, even in coming of age stories. We’ve all come of age and yeah, being horny as hell is a big part of it.

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