You know what I don’t think anyone’s wanted ever? A jacket with the word “f****t” written all over it. Well, maybe Andy Dick would want that, it seemed like the kind of thing he’d do. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that a normal person would pay £350, though, but that’s what Diesel is selling it for.
Their clothing line is called Haute Couture and it’s based on mean tweets celebrities have received. Because “f****t” and “cynic” cause roughly the same level of offense, right?
You know, I support free speech and artistic expression, and I think Diesel should be entirely free to sell their exceptionally poorly conceived jackets. I’m just curious why all the other designs are just mean things people say and there are no other slurs. I’m they could have found a celebrity who had been called a “kike” or a “c***k,” why aren’t those on jackets? They’re all just “ur dumb” and then one that says “f****t.”
Of course, as The Advocate reported, actor Tommy Dorfman, who is openly gay, chose the word for the jacket. That still doesn’t make it a good idea. This really seems like the kind of thing that ends with the jacket being pulled from an online store 24 hours later and a tweet on the official Diesel account that starts with “After receiving feedback from the community…”