I’m sure we’re all shocked to learn that Lil Xan has a drug problem. But in light of the overdose deaths of Lil Peep and Mac Miller, Xan is checking himself into rehab to get clean. He gave a comment about the timing to TMZ.
…he says he’s nowhere near “rock bottom.”
He told us he’s been far more strung out on opioids in the past, but feels he needs treatment now to get him “over that last hump.” Perhaps not coincidentally, he’s entering rehab on the 1-year anniversary of Lil Peep’s fatal overdose.
I can’t help but think that now isn’t the time to go to rehab. The time to go rehab is probably before you get a tattoo on your face. Maybe before you name yourself after the drug you’re on. But definitely before you get a face tattoo.
You may remember that Xan recently almost died from eating too many Cheetos, so self-control isn’t his strong suit. He also did that thing where his nose was pushed up against Miley Cyrus’s sister’s face when they were dating. That was really weird. He seems to do that a lot.
I mean… he obviously needs help.