Jon Gosselin Gains Custody of Son Collin After Kate Gosselin Takes a Hard Pass on Court Date

We all know the Gosselins and the show Jon and Kate Plus 8 very well. The family with a set of twins, sextuplets, and two parents who could barely tolerate each other. Jon and Kate Gosselin divorced in 2009 before they could stab each other on national TV. Since then, the two became more famous for making no secret of their absolute disdain for one another and talking about how much the other one sucks as a parent. However, most of the public is in agreement that both Jon and Kate are equally shitty in their own special and unique ways.

Post-divorce, Jon Gosselin became a frequent tabloid feature (seriously, someone should have given him a punch card for a free bagel or something), while Kate Gosselin began reinventing her image as a devoted, struggling single mom and resuscitating her reality show to showcase her eight meal tickets. Kate Plus 8 ran on TLC from 2014-2016, and then it became obvious that it was more like Kate Plus Eight Minus 1. Fans started to notice that son Collin was missing from the show.

After viewers started questioning Collin’s absence, Kate Gosselin admitted that Collin was at a residential facility that was better equipped to address his “special needs” and behavioral problems. According to Jon, Kate shipped off their son without even telling him exactly where he was:

“I have an idea of where he is, but I don’t know exactly where he is… I mean, I ask but she [Kate] doesn’t tell me. She doesn’t answer any of my texts.”

The latest dispute between Jon and Kate has been who would have custody of Collin once he graduated from his program. Jesus, even after ten years of divorce, these two just go out of their way to find things to publicly fight about. Especially if it means they can drag their kids back into the limelight.

Well, the custody hearing for Collin was on December 4th, and Jon Gosselin was awarded custody. Collin will go live with Jon and Collin’s sister, Hannah, who already lives with Jon full-time. Kate was a no-show in court.

I’ve never been a fan of Jon or Kate. Neither of them seemed like stellar parent-material. However, at least Jon didn’t seem to approve of shoving his kids into the spotlight. Kate, on the other hand, has always relished publicity in any form, and has taken every opportunity to suck up whatever ounce of fame she can get. The fact that she shoved eight kids out of her vagina was just a convenient way to push her way into the limelight.

The kids have never seemed to be more than props to her, and now that they’re getting older, they’re less marketable props. The fact that Kate skipped her scheduled court date speaks volumes about her image as the oh-so doting mother. Collin is now regarded as the least useful child due to his inability to be on camera anymore, so a custody hearing was probably a pretty low priority to her.

After all those TV appearances, I sure hope Kate has saved and invested enough money to pay for all the individual therapy the rest of her kids will inevitably need. God knows those kids are going to need lifelong help to cope with this horror show of a life.

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