So, it seems that Ewan McGregor’s 22-year-old daughter, Clara might be harboring a significant amount of resentment towards him for divorcing her mother, Eve Mavrakis.
Just a few days ago, Clara posted this photo of her mother on Instagram:
One person made this comment on the post:
“Good to know you have the smoke show genes … keep her away from your boyfriends.”
To which Clara responded:
“Nah I keep her away from asshole men who leave my goddess of a mother :)”
Yeah, this definitely smacks of lingering hostility. But I can’t say I blame her. In 2017, Ewan McGregor divorced his wife of over 20 years and started dating the much younger actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead. That’s pretty rough when you assume that your parents have a seemingly happy marriage with four children together, and then suddenly your dad takes off out so he can date some floozy (sorry, Mary Elizabeth).
After the media got wind of Clara’s comments, she tried to do some damage control claiming that she hadn’t really been talking about her father:
“Let’s make one thing clear. I was not attacking my dad or calling him [an] asshole. I was simply saying she deserves someone who isn’t one.”
Except…this isn’t the first time that Clara McGregor has openly criticized her father and his choices. Back in 2018, Clara had some very *ahem* choice words about Daddy’s girlfriend, Mary Elizabeth Winstead in response to a praiseworthy article regarding the actress.
“Most beautiful and talented woman on earth??? [laug-cry emoji]. Oh, man y’all are delusional. The girl is a piece of trash.”
Yeah…that’s definitely not very subtle. Clara can claim that she wasn’t insulting her dad earlier, but the fact that she has endured the wreck of her parent’s divorce and hasn’t shied away from going after Dad’s paramour in the past does negate any denial she might have now. But again, I have sympathy for Clara because I think most daughters would have some hostility towards a parent who blows up a seemingly happy marriage and family life. Hopefully, this doesn’t translate into some serious daddy issues later on.