You know what one of the benefits to somebody dying is? You can say whatever you want about them and no one can sue you because you can’t libel a dead person; libel only applies to the living. So normally when we talk or write about something someone did, even when we’re sure they did it, we have to use weasel words like “allegedly” because saying someone is a rapist leaves you open to a lawsuit but saying that they’re “allegedly” a rapist means you’re just talking about allegations. But when they’re dead, you can say whatever you want.
Ronald Reagan couldn’t ride a horse, the only reason he had so many is because he had sex with them. Margot Kidder was a sad whackadoodle who had a Google alert for her name and she consisted on a diet of cat food and live rats. Eazy-E was actually a white guy from Brentwood in blackface. See, all of those are half-truths at best and no one can do anything about it.
So you know how Michael Jackson used to f**k little boys? Well, somebody made a documentary about it that’s airing at Sundance. It’s called Leaving Neverland and follows two men who were abused by Jackson and how it impacted them and MJ’s family is pissed about it. Here’s what they had to say, via CNN.
“Michael always turned the other cheek, and we have always turned the other cheek when people have gone after members of our family – that is the Jackson way,” the statement said. “But we can’t just stand by while this public lynching goes on, and the vulture tweeters and others who never met Michael go after him.”
Yeah, he turned the other cheek and then put his dick between those cheeks. I mean, I say that, but I’m not sure that he actually did anything he’s accused of. I’m just saying it because I can, because he can’t sue me for libel. I actually lean towards believing he’s innocent of anything.
Dan Reed, the director of the four-hour documentary, (which seems way too long, honestly) shot back at the Jacksons in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.
“It is a four-hour documentary by an experienced documentarian with a long track record in investigation and telling complex stories and this is a complex story,” says Reed. “So I’d say it’s beyond doubt a documentary. Anyone with any knowledge of that form would recognize a documentary. A four-hour piece, is that a tabloid? I didn’t characterize Jackson at all in the film — I think if you watch it you’ll have noticed that it’s a story about these two families and Jackson is an element of that story. But I don’t seek to characterize him at all. I don’t comment on Jackson. It’s not a film about Michael. … The film itself is an account of sexual abuse, how sexual abuse happens and then how the consequences play out later in life.”
I mean really, four hours? You couldn’t cram enough human suffering into two hours? You had to have a movie with an intermission in it to really get your point across that molesting kids is bad? Those Lord of the Rings movies were only 3 hours long and they had Orcs.