The Dark Universe is Dead, But We’re Getting An Invisible Man Movie, Anyway

Does anyone remember the Dark Universe series? Don’t feel bad if you don’t it didn’t last long. Universal’s attempt at making their own cinematic universe in the same vein as Marvel began and ended in 2017 with The Mummy.

So, yes, the Dark Universe is officially dead.

Basically, Universal got way ahead of themselves in thinking that The Mummy was going to be such a massive hit, that of course, they were going to be making more modern-day monster movies! Because if Marvel can do it, anyone can! Just ask DC (Yes, I know Wonder Woman was awesome, but that’s it)! Well, they didn’t count on their movie flopping so spectacularly that not only didn’t anyone want or care about more monster reboots and crossovers.

But in spite of the Dark Universe being kaput, that hasn’t stopped them from coming out with another monster remake, The Invisible Man. But this is decidedly not going to be a Dark Universe movie, it will be stand-alone.

Recently attached to The Invisible Man movie is director Leigh Whannell. Whannell is pretty experienced in the horror movie genre as he created the Saw and Insidious franchises. So, as much as The Mummy might have been a disastrous kitchen sink of a movie, Whannell might be able to do something interesting with The Invisible Man.

Monster movie remakes are obviously not new, there were plenty of those movies from the 1930s and 1940s. It would be awesome to see a well-done beloved monster movie filmed for the audience of today. Maybe there’s hope that Whannell can make that happen.

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