This Weatherman Loses His S**t Because People Are Mad He Interrupted ‘the Bachelorette’

Climate change is a serious problem. You can bury your head in the sand and try to ignore it all you want, but sooner or later you’re going to miss a TV show because of it. The people of Ohio now know the devastation climate change can cause because it took its wrath out on The Bachelorette.

Enough people complained about this that Fox 45 weatherman Jamie Simpson lost his s**t live on the air.

Here’s what he said, via Newsweek:

Simpson said: “Just checking social media. We have folks complaining already, ‘just go back to the show.’ No, we’re not going back to the show, folks. This is a dangerous situation, okay?

“It’s your own neighbourhood. I’m sick and tired of people complaining about this. Our job here is to keep you safe and that’s what we’re going to do.

“Some of you complain that this is all about my ego. Stop, okay? Just stop right now. It’s not.” Simpson was clearly frustrated, finishing with, “I’m done with you people, I really am. This is pathetic.”

He has a point, tornados are pretty serious business. It’s also not like he was interrupting something good, like a rerun of that episode of Frasier where Frasier and Niles take the auto repair class taught by Dave “Gruber” Allen. So in case of an extreme weather event like a tornado, which are only going to become more prevalent, you want to go to a storm cellar or an interior room on the ground floor and turn on Netflix where you can watch any episode of Frasier you want. The one where Martin eats Niles’ pot brownie is a good one, too.

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