A few weeks ago, a very odd event popped up on Facebook called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us.” The account hosting the event is called “Shitposting cause im in shambles” and this is the description given for the event:
We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.
Obviously no one took this joke seriously and it went away after a few days. Here’s a picture of Ariel Winter in a dress with a plunging neckline to fill space, see you tomorrow.
Obviously I’m kidding, almost two million people have signed up for this fake event and the internet will not stop making jokes about it.
Workin’ on some new recipes for the folks inside Area 51 👽 The Radioactive Ribs are lookin’ goooooood 🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/gW9GFqnvvQ
— Mayor Guy Fieri (@GuyFieri) July 16, 2019
I’m a bad influence even to the aliens #Area51 pic.twitter.com/ipltR95xQr
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) July 16, 2019
Madonna has seen better days.
That one time @ Area 51 pic.twitter.com/ywxzbDC1BT
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) July 16, 2019
He's been waiting for y'all. #Area51 pic.twitter.com/DXtdhvdVVZ
— Toei Animation (@ToeiAnimation) July 17, 2019
Actually, now I kind of want to go. Naruto running is bullshit but instant transmission might work.
Area 51 no problem for Bronn pic.twitter.com/zPGOlHXUmV
— Jon Snow (@LordSnow) July 17, 2019
kram BERST into area 51 pic.twitter.com/7rVRtvzv1v
— Seinfeld Current Day (@Seinfeld2000) July 17, 2019
Storming Area 51 and immediately getting caught pic.twitter.com/q87V5rj3TS
— Ireland Simpsons Fans (@iresimpsonsfans) July 17, 2019
We're contractually obligated to throw our hat into the #Area51 ring pic.twitter.com/JOJiLR2Vt3
— Gundam Planet (@GundamPlanet) July 13, 2019
That last one makes me want to actually go.
There’s competition for the event, though, as Newsweek reported someone started a competing “Let’s Storm the Bermuda Triangle” event. In that whole article they don’t mention that there are actually fewer disappearances and wrecks in the Bermuda Triangle than in the ocean at large.
Of course, there are also no aliens at Area 51, so I guess it works.